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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Musical Pet Peve of the day - Dubstep

Attention Hipsters and other such D-Bags......  your new found obsession "Dubstep"  is not cutting edge,  new or original.....  Its merely an older,  more awesome and more innovative form of music,  slowed down so your feeble brains can comprehend it....

Specifically its a shittier form of Jungle,  which in itself is a shittier form of Drum and Bass,  which in itself boils down to this....

That ladies and gentlemen is the Amen Break,  probably the most influential 5 seconds in music history brought to us by a group almost no one remembers from a song that almost no one has heard....  yet i guarantee everyone has heard that 5 second drum solo.  It comes to us from teh B-Side of a 1969 Single "Color him Father" by the Winstons.  This little 5 second drum fill was cut, sliced and sampled by thousands of artists after them.  listen to the intro to NWA's "straigh outa compton"  its there,  Public Enemy's "fight the power", its there too.  Other genres have used this sample as well (outside of the jungle / dnb genres)  Oasis,  the Prodigy, Nine inch Nail and linkin park are just a few.  While some genres sampled the loop in its original form (NWA, Public Enemy)  other acts have sampled each individual drum voice and re cut the beat into different pattens (Dillinja, Lemon D, The KLF). 

Back to my original point, Dubstep is nothing but Jungle (or debatably even Ragga) slowed down to a tempo so painfully slow, that i could draw a parallel to listening to burt bacharach on half speed. Im all for innovation but dropping the tempo down by 60%  doesnt constitute innovation.  Its just lazy production from the new generation of lazy producers....  Deadmau5, Skrillex and MSTRKRFT (which i actually do like alot,  but i fully admit to them being cookie cutter copypasters) are perfect examples of everything that is wrong with this new wave of "electronica artists".  Point in case, Listen to one Deadmau5 track,  thats all you have to do,  because everything else he has produced sounds exactly the same,  not just a signature synth,  or signature kick drum or something mundane like that....  the exact same synths,  the exact same baselines, the exact same bloody percussion....  its just total garbage...  Deadmau5 doesnt need another US frat party boy getting a mouse head tatoo,  he needs a propper music theory lesson followed by about 6000 trips to a good cosmetic dentist!

Deadmau5 has done for Electro house what America did for Iraq......  violated it,  and left it for dead in some grubby ditch along the interstate....

Ill leave you with some propper Jungle,  just to illustrate my point.... This stuff came from a time when being dirty wasn't an option,  it was a requirement

First up,  the great Aphrodite,  The tarzan of jungle,  so fresh he just swang in on the vine this morning mate.

The one and only - Dillinja (pay no mind to the MC.....  they really are the only thing wrong with Jungle/DnB)  One of the only two artists who can actually claim that they produced sounds so dirty that they had to design their own custom sound system to listen to it....  (a post elaborating on this point will be made soon)

Dj Krust - Warhead  (one of the great floor shakers of the 90's)

Finally,  in my opinion (which is better than yours), the greatest jungle track of all time....  thats right,  its Aphrodite - Superman Theme
This track has seriously re-arranged the brain cells of just about every junglist out there, Its so dirty that even charlie sheen wouldnt touch it!

One more....  just to throw some fresh canadian talent into the mix, because DnB isnt just a british invasion thing,  I give you Toronto's own Freaky Flow and his remix of the theme from peanuts.....  this is Linus and Lucy,  if they were funky, fresh and fly

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