I haven't been able to put together a post for a couple weeks on account of being way too busy. Apart from the joke that was the federal election, i also had one roomate move out on his own and a new mystery replacement roomate move in. From previous experience with roomates, i typically have had friends move in mainly due to common interest and lifestyle as well as a general comfort level of knowing the person you live with rather well.... This time i decided to think out side the box a bit.... I must say after a week in the new situation, its been a dream.... considering i met my new roomate the day she moved in from Vancouver!.
I have to give her most of the credit as I'm generally one of the most laid back individuals on the planet, so while i was curious as to how things might change, I knew i could roll with anything that came my way. Much to my surprise, things couldnt have worked out any better had i planned it. Every once in a while you come across people in your life that you just click with for some reason or another on a level that just defies rational explanation. For some reason you just trust that person 100% without even knowing them. I have been fortunate enough to meet a few people like this in mylife, but i honestly never thought i would be living with one lol!
Side effects have been increased pasta intake and significant increase in week night boozing, both of which im totally ok with. I have lived with good friends, and Carl, over the past four years and its been a slice, some legendary parties, great laughs, and good times... except for Carl.... mainly because i wanted to punch him in the face all the time.... and i still do...... Every Single day...... i wake up to the thought of punching Carl in the face and it puts a smile on my face.... stupid gingers.... ah well i digress...
I suppose im looking forward to this new experience and if it holds out like it has for the past week, its going to be one hell of a summer.....
As kevin and I coined it last night..... Its the summer of George's.....
You wake up thinking about Carl.... and it puts a smile on your face???... That sounds a little gay dude